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Management of your Career Group

You can visit your career group by right clicking on the link for career group home on the right menu in the career home page. In the project homepage click on your career group.You can also go to your career group by clicking on your groups on the right side like in the project home page.

Click on your career group to see the list of posts listed according to various stages. Each of these posts can be created by various career helpers in your group.

You choose the career group helper by clicking on browse and invite career helper link on the right-side menu.

You add career records based on the activities relating to the particular stage. These career records can be evaluated by one of the career helpers.

Career assignments are given by career helpers to help you in doing various activities necessary for each stage of your career. You can see various assignments posted on the career group home page.

Overall progress in each stage of the career activities is evaluated by the career helpers by the career evaluation posts.

The various activities that you do as a part of various projects can be created and posted in the career group.

You can include the various posts of yours in the projects page, as a reference in the career records.