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Managing Preprint

Posting New Preprints
Go to the publications home page .
Click on add preprint (or click here). Fill the title, abstract and classification field. Add author information. Save the preprint.
You will see an upload file link. Click on it add a new upload.

Adding an upload to your preprint
Once you saved the preprint by creating a new preprint, you will see the link for uploading file. Click on it to add a new upload. Choose whether you want to publish it or not. If you publish it will become public. You will see that the upload is listed on the preprint page either under the published list or the unpublished list. Only you can see the unpublished list.

Browse publications
Go to the publications home page . Click on browse preprints. Click on the relevant field to see the publications related to it. Or you can fill the search box to search by keywords (including author name).

Downloading a preprint
Browse your publications first and find the preprint relevant to you. In the preprint page you can see the list of published versions of the preprint. You can download the latest versions or the previous versions if you would like.

Editing Preprints
Go to the publications home page . Click on the link Edit, Update or add Uploads to Your Preprints. You can edit your preprint or upload a new version by clicking the upload link.