
  1. You can visit your career group by right clicking on the link for career group home on the right menu in the career home page. In the project homepage click on your career group.You can also go to your career group by clicking on your groups on the right side like in the project home page.

    Click on your career group to see the list of posts listed according to various stages. Each of these posts can be created by various career helpers in your group.

  2. If you are assigned a career helper role by a member then you can see the members career groups listed in your groups page in career portal. You can visit the members project groups by right clicking on the groups link in the right side menu in the projects home page if the groups are public are there is access permission given by the user. As a career helper you can guide, assign, and evaluate career activities of the member from the point of view of your role.

  3. Career helpers need to do make assignments (or) interact with members of a career group based on the following guidelines:

    • Orientation: Motivating to have a career as important part of life. Career helper needs to make understand the importance of playing a role in the global community, to discover his role, having a proper balance of skills, opportunity, and motivation in that aspect. Explaining various aspects of having career, skills, knowledge, and various stages of career.